Phylum :- Porifera (Pore bearing cellular grade, asymmetrical or radially symmetrical.)
Class :- Hexactinellida (Glass sponges with siliceous spicules of triaxon or six-pointed type.)
Order :- Amphidiscophora (Hexaster spicules absent and amphidisks present.)
Genus :- Pheronema
Habit and habitat of Pheronema
- Pheronema is found on the bottom of sea. It is the commonest hexactinellid amphidiscophore adapted for deep-sea life
Geographical Distribution of Pheronema
- It is found in U.K., U.S.A., and Europe.
Characteristics of Pheronema
- Animal has a thick-walled cup or bowl-shaped body with the spongocoel opening above and with spicules in the form of tufts.
- Pleural tufts and long-twisted root tufts are present resembling glass wool.
- Projecting marginal and pleural prostals possess long monactines with small spines at one end, called as scepters.
- Spongocoel opens through the osculum which is encircled by upright spicules or marginal prostals.
- The animal in attached to the rocks by root spicules.Since the specimen contains spicular tufts such as marginal prostals and pleural prostals, hence it is Pheronema.
Identification of Pheronema
- Since the specimen contains spicular tufts such as marginal prostals and pleural prostals, hence it is Pheronema.
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